Aktiivilomaa luonnon keskellä
  • VHS leiri Imatran olosuhteissa onnistui hienosti.
    Ensilumilatu oli valmistettu oikein vahvalla paksuudella ja olit sopivalla profiililla kauden ensimmäisin hiihtoharjoituksien varteen.
    Lisäksi päästin hyvissä olosuhteissa harjoittelemaan rullasuksilla sekä
    Saunatilat olit mielenkiintoisia mistä koko ryhmä nauttisi täysillä.
    Isot kiitokset ja ollaan tulossa takaisin tammikuussa kun järjestetään aikuisten SM kisat.
    Kalmer Tramm, Leirin johtaja
    Vantaan hiihtoseura
  • Iso kiitos omasta ja koko joukkueen puolesta hienosta viikonlopusta! Kaikki toimi viimeisen päälle, majoitustilat ovat hienot, ruoka oli hyvää ja sitä oli riittävästi😁 Teidän paikkaa on helppo suositella muillekin👍👍
    Jokerit U18
    Niko Halttunen, head coach
  • Helsingin Taitoluistelu Akatemian yksinluistelijat olivat perinteisellä kauden aloitusleirillä tällä kertaa Saimaan kauniissa maisemissa. Leiripaikkana toimi Saimaa Life&Light ja harjoituspaikkana Imatran jäähalli. Puitteet olivat kaikin puolin kunnossa ja kelitkin olivat suotuisat. Tätä paikkaa voi lämpimästi suositella muillekin!
    Turo Mäki, ryhmän edustaja
    Helsingin Taitoluisteluakatemia ry
    Figure skating
  • Suuri Kiitos hyvästä majoituksesta, 
    Olimme jääkiekkoturnauksessa ja löysimme tämän hienon majoitus kohteen joukkueellemme. Saimme hyvää palvelua Saimaa-life järjestäjiltä sekä tulo ja lähtö aikataulut sovittua hienosti. Majoitus on laadukas kodinomainen kaikilla herkuilla. 
    Sijainti on myös rauhallinen ja luonnon läheisyydessä. 
    Sopi erinomaisesti myös joukkueen budjettiin.
    Jani Lehtimäki, valmentaja 
    Forssan palloseura ry, ryhmä 2008 synt.
  • "We had a great time. The apartments were spacious, clean and the location was great, the First Snow Trail was 100m and the great outdoor terrain started at the front door. The dining was very functional and the food very tasty."
    Lauri Sumanen
    Espoo Ski Club, group 16 years
  • The setting for holding the snow camp was excellent and our event was very successful. Saimaa Life & Light is a high-quality accommodation in a perfect location and I only heard good feedback from the participants. The children especially enjoyed the playground in the yard

    The new route of the trails was very successful and there was a profile to choose from according to skills and strength, as well as space for slower and faster ones even though there might be a lot of visitors from time to time on the opening weekend.

    Espoo Ski Club's 10th group thanks!
    Sami Tahvanainen
  • ”Saimaa Life Apartments kuuluu meidän leiriperinteeseen. Olemme saaneet kaikki majoitusjärjestelyt aina hyvissä ajoin, edulliseen hintaan ja huoneistot ovat olleet miellyttäviä ja puhtaita. Parasta on ollut yhteiset hetket ns. ”leirinuotiolla” , kun olemme hyödyntäneet grilli katosta yhteisiin illan viettoihin grillaten ja leikkimielisiä kisailuja järjestäen, esim. ”ketä lunastaa leirin grillimestarin arvon”. Lapsille Saimaa Life Apartments on turvallinen alue, missä lasten on turvallista viettää aikaa keskenään leikkien. Suosittelemme kaikille lämpimästi.” 
    Elise Luovula, ohjaaja/valmentaja
    Capital Area Phoenix ry ohjaajat ja leiriläiset
    Figure skating
  • Video review from the head coach of the Canadian national biathlon team
    Period of stay: November 2020
    Justin Wadsworth
    Biathlon Canada, National team
  • "We had a good first snow training camp in Imatra. There was a very good ski track, 3km loop, appropriate relief, not bad weather this year. I liked the shooting range. We lived in new apartments in Saimaa Life&Light and it was very comfortable. We are happy, that our first snow training camp was here, and we had a good time and place for preparation before the season."
    Ruslanas Nikitinas
    Biathlon Lithuania, National team
  • "In May 2018, we held a ten-day training camp with KHL and NHL players at Saimaa Life & Light. I will note the ideal living conditions: the apartments are equipped with everything necessary for a full rest and recovery of players. The food in the village fully meets the standards that top-level players are used to. The Ice Palace, where the training took place, does not need comments: top competitions have already been held here and everything is organized at the highest level. I recommend this place for training camps!»
    Andrey Nikolishin
    leading scout of the National Team Club Hockey League (NHL) Chicago Blackhawks
  • For several years now, the company Hockey is my Life holds hockey camps in Imatra, Finland. And the base for the accommodation of the Participants of the hockey camp is always the Saimaa Life Hotel. You can't find a better place! Everything here is designed for the convenience and comfort of the athlete.
    Let's start with the fact that the Ice Palace, where hockey players train, is a 5-minute walk from the hotel ! On the first day of the training camp, the guys take the hockey equipment to the Palace, leave it in the lockers, and on the last day they take it away . This is very convenient for both hockey players and their attendants . And you can wash your underwear in your apartment.
    Now about the living conditions. The interior of the apartment is simple, but tasteful, stylish and neat. Nothing superfluous, but at the same time there is everything you need. After all, what is the most important thing for an athlete?
    Full sleep is important . It's rare to find beds in hotels where you really get enough sleep. This is exactly the case. The mattresses are very comfortable, the bed is soft , the pillows are comfortable.
    A hearty meal is also important . All Participants of the hockey training camps and accompanying persons give the highest rating to the hotel's cuisine. Variety and freshness, the products are appetizing and eco-friendly.
    And the athlete is also important for emotional relaxation. And again, the village of Saimaa Life hit the nail on the head. This is a beautiful quiet place, pristine nature, forest, lake, silence... And each apartment has a sauna where you can relax after training.
    While athletes train, parents and accompanying people also have something to do... Cycling and hiking, fishing, swimming in Lake Saimaa in summer, cross –country and mountain skiing in winter, ice skating, water parks, rope town and much more.
    In short, Saimaa Life is a great place for hockey training camps! It's nice to be in the village, it's quiet and peaceful here. Saimaa Life is cozy and somehow warm!
    Many thanks to the hotel management for their cooperation, for the prompt solution of all issues, for their kindness and hospitality!
    Sergey Sviridov
    Founder and project manager of Hockey is my Life
  • I would like to leave a positive review about the presence of our Team in Saimaa lafe&ligt. Belarus experimental group of the Belarusian Biathlon Federation students of the Novopolotsk School of the Olympic reserve.
    We were very satisfied with the hospitality, accommodation and food conditions. Excellent infrastructure and location in the vicinity of the sports complex, which favorably affects the organization and conduct of the training process.
    Well done. Everything is fine!!!
    Sergey Nekrasov, coach
    Belarusian Biathlon Federation, experimental group of the Novopolotsk School of the Olympic Reserve Biathlon department.
  • Saimaa LIFE&LIGHT left a great impression comfort quality convenient location (near the highway) for athletes and coaches, that's what you need. I really liked it. Conceived and implemented great! Thank you for your hospitality.We hope to be able to come to your pre-season training camp every year.
    Fedor Svoboda, coach
    Group of athletes in the RCOP " Raubichi"
  • An ideal place for active recreation ,as well as for training athletes in winter (and other, including game) sports. Living conditions are at a high level.
    The surrounding nature is very conducive to relaxation (lake + coniferous forest). I believe that you have the perfect combination of natural health factors and everyday comfort.
    Andrey Minich, coach
    Minsk Regional Center of the Olympic Reserve.
  • VHS leiri Imatran olosuhteissa onnistui hienosti.
    Ensilumenlatua oli valmistettu oikein vahvalla paksuudella ja oli
    sopivalla profiililla kauden ensimmäisiä hiihtoharjoituksia varten .
    Lisäksi päästiin hyvissä olosuhteissa harjoittelemaan rullasuksilla.
    Saunatilat oli mielenkiintoisia, mistä koko ryhmä nautti täysillä.
    Isot kiitokset ja ollaan tulossa takaisin tammikuussa kun järjestetään
    aikuisten SM kisat.
    Voi olla että tullaan osallistumaan myös vuoden alussa FIS kilpailuissa.
    Kalmer Tramm, coach
    Vantaan hiihtoseura
  • 前年夏天,我们在 Saimaa Life & Light 度过了一个愉快的假期。我们入住的是Saimaa Life 的 4 人房间,房间非常整洁,浴室厨房各种设施一应俱全,完全满足了我们一家人度假居住的需求。在 Saimaa Life & Light 的中心,还有一个儿童游乐区域,也满足了孩子们休闲时间的玩耍需求。另外,这里的交通也很方便,开车大约10分钟的样子,可以到­达大型的购物超市和几家快餐厅,对于旅行的人来说,这是非常方便的。同时,这里紧临Ukonniemi 海滩区,那里还有冲浪板可以租赁,非常适合一家人出去玩。Saimaa Life & Light 的客服也是及时和到位的,我们的需求都可以得到解决。

    我的大女儿已经是第三年来参加Marina 的 滑冰夏令营了,我们对这个夏令营很满意,今年我的小女儿也要加入到这个夏令营来。这里的训练强度挺高的,但是安排很合理, 从冰上训练,冰下训练,到旋转,舞蹈全都包括了,教练们不但在冰上指导孩子,也会在冰下关注孩子的训练情况,非常好。Marin­a团队的几位教练,都很负责,对孩子耐心且指导到位。

    从 Saimaa Life & Light 到 Marina 的训练冰场,走路只需要10分钟左右,对我们是最便利的选择。
     Jing, camp participant
    Figure skating Camp